31 August 2006

Erlang programming: Starting visual debugger

Starting visual debugger

in erlang is quite easy -- just type in erlang shell


and it will pop up window with visual debugger where you can select which modules you wish to debug. You should compile modules with debug_info option to start debugging(WARNING:In this case your source code can be extracted from .beam file! Without comments, of course :). From command line use:

erlc +debug_info _erl_file_name.erl

or, from shell, use following command

2> c(module_name, [debug_info]).

Gaspar Chilingarov

Keywords: erlang, erlang programming, debugging erlang program, erlang debugging

1 comment:

Unknown said...

О-о-о, ещё один блог об erlang'е!

Спасибо, один читатель уже есть.